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Five Minutes After Midnight Page 11
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Page 11
Get the hell out of me!
A wicked laugh originated from him as his pupils turned red. And inside his own mind, Calvin was placed into a see-through coffin with spiders crawling over it for plenty of distraction. The demon was now in full control.
chapter forty-one
AT THE CORNER OF JANE AND WEST 4TH STREET in front of the Corner Bistro, Calvin was leaning on the post under the two one-way signs talking to the last butterfly that had escaped the portal, a meeting of two dark souls that had been acquaintances on the other side. Calvin had been staring at a sign that read, Please Respect our Neighbors keep noise down at night, thinking that would make some all the noisier.
“That detective has to be removed from the picture,” said Calvin. “The longer she gets to stick around the more knowledgeable the bitch gets and the more trouble she causes.”
I haven’t found a vehicle to occupy yet, but you can steal a car and run over her.
“Then I would have the law on me. We need to be more surreptitious about it.” He noticed a man staring at him because it looked as though he was talking to himself. “What the hell are you looking at?”
The fella just continued on his way.
What would happen if I also went inside this guy?
“Don’t you fucking try it. For whatever reason, it’s difficult to keep this fellow inside the box. I doubt we could get another soul in here so don’t even think about it.”
Whenever that dreary soul was told not to do something, well then he just had to do it. Maybe it would make them so powerful that nothing could stop them? Why couldn’t they at least try? The butterfly landed on the same spot where the other had entered and begun sinking into his skin, and suddenly the two of them were occupying the same human.
As a battle started, Calvin was thrown against the corner of the building cutting his head open. Although the wound wasn’t serious, it was bleeding quite a bit. The insect was thrown out as they heard sirens in the distance.
Fine, I’ll find my own body and maybe even come back and kill yours!
Calvin left not wanting to be around when the police arrived.
Hours later Calvin was passing a rectory and could actually feel the priest inside. Father Gregory Harper was on his knees praying, and it annoyed him to no end, and every time he said, heavenly father, it made him cringe. Some boys had the instinct in them to kill birds and such; he had always wanted to kill a priest from about the age of seventeen. There must surely be some extra brownie points in it back in hell, but just being this close was like getting hit with a thousand needles, and he was forced to move across the street and watch from a distance.
From here he was able to see the white glow and where its holy borders ended, directly in the middle of the street. He simultaneously wanted to approach the priest and get away from the area. And now he was even getting a migraine which was something that he had never experienced before, and it was a painful son-of-a-bitch.
Calvin was forced to move on as it felt as though his brain might explode.
chapter forty-two
AT MIDNIGHT ON A SUNDAY MORNING in the 225 acres Evergreens Cemetery where more than a half a million people had been laid to rest, Valerie Shaw strolled through the sloping meadows and rollings hills of the graveyard. Valerie was walking and looking for someone in particular. She was a thirty-nine-year-old family doctor with brown hair and golden highlights and brown eyes, had a dagger on her side identical to the one Olivia was now carrying.
Valerie had a child that died at birth, and she had never tried for another. Now divorced she spent her days in the office and some nights tracking dark souls, and for whatever reason there seemed to be more activity lately. She was getting more warnings as she slept.
Valerie was searching for Blind Tom Wiggins who had been born a slave in the south and was buried here, sometimes he walked through humming a tune. He had been a gifted pianist who was said to have been better than Mozart. He even gave a performance at the White House in 1860 for the President. In life, they had taken advantage of him and his talent.
“Tom, are you out and about?” Valerie needed his help, but sometimes it took a while as he did like to wander. There was no response. He told her he often hung out at music stores and other places where he could find a piano, occasionally played a tune or two, being amused by people when they discovered his presence.
An owl hooted from somewhere, and she took a short break to search for it. Valerie’s wanderings took her past Reed’s Tomb, the story was that he had lived in the tomb with his dead wife until his death, talking to her and receiving visitors on a regular basis, and now he was entombed with his love. “Tom?”
Valerie had had a visitation the other night and not of the pleasant variety, something had tried to smother her as she slept. She had barely managed to get her hands on the blade and dispatch the dark one. That was the first time that a dark one had tried to kill her and hoped it was the last. Understandably, it was now a struggle to get to sleep, and she didn’t want to get hooked on sleeping pills.
Tom finally appeared at almost one in the morning. “Hello, Valerie.”
“Tom, I ah, was going to say how are you but you’re dead.”
“Good, I’m good.” The ghost looked up at the owl. “Someone’s watching you through the eyes of that owl.”
“Don’t know.”
The thought was troubling, but she continued. “Did you manage to find the information that I asked for last week?”
“No time here. Someone trying to stop you from joining forces with someone.”
Valerie was impressed with his language. “Your speech has improved a lot.”
“I’m learning from talking to different people.”
“Do you know who the dark side is trying to keep me from?”
“No, I was attacked, but white lighters chased him.”
“Ah, a new hunter is learning. Don’t know name yet.” Tom had a song in his head and was anxious to get back to it. What the wind and the waves told Tom. And just like that, he was gone as if he had never been there.
The doctor sighed. “That wasn’t much help.”
On her way out of the graveyard, the doctor thought that someone might be following her; she heard movement but couldn’t see anything. The dead usually didn’t make any sound unless they wanted or were up to something. She caught movement out of the corner of her eye, turning quickly Valerie saw nothing. She knew there was a degree of danger walking around alone at night. The creeps emerged after the sun went down because under cover of darkness they could get away with much.
Valerie shone her flashlight at several gravestones, going past one that she thought might conceal someone. The light had revealed a slight shadow.
It occurred to her that this would be a good place to kill someone and she put her hand on her Springfield XD-S 4.0 inch handgun, it was small but powerful. She wasn’t sure if she was in danger or not. She called for Tom, but there was no answer. He might be able to frighten whoever it was away, but not all people were able to see spirits, and many didn’t believe in such things.
But this appeared to be a bit of a stalemate. Valerie was wary of simply turning and walking away, but she couldn’t damn well stand here all night pretending that she didn’t know there was someone behind that headstone. A confrontation might be best to avoid. She slowly turned and commenced walking, and suddenly she knew that the stalker was standing. If she turned back was there a bullet with her name on it? Valerie slid her hand inside the holster.
chapter forty-three
AUNT STELLA’S CUT WAS HEALING NICELY, and she now saged the apartment every morning and every night. Last night she had observed a shadow pacing back and forth in front of the building, but it hadn’t made a single attempt to come in which was how she liked it. The level of activity was increasing, and that attack was most unexpected.
The doorbell rang making her wonder who it was this early. She had bacon and eggs and a
cup of green tea on the kitchen table waiting for her, hoping that trouble wasn’t already starting. After seeing the old fella at the door and examining his aura, she opens it. “Can I help you?”
“I am sorry for the interruption. My name is Earl Warren, and I’ve just moved in down the hall. I was wondering if you could spare some coffee till I get out for some groceries?” He was just a little taller than her so not too tall and was walking with a cane, which she imagined would make for a good weapon.
Years ago, she had heard of an old fellow pretending to be lame and attacking old women when they got close enough and stealing their purses. As far as she knew he had never been caught. Stella imagined that she now saw everyone as a threat when she didn’t need to do so. “You can come in if you like and I’ll pour you a cup.”
“That’s awful kind of you.”
“As long as you are not a thief, a serial killer or a demon?”
“Oh my goodness I’m none of those.” Earl immediately thought that she had a strange sense of humor, but he liked that in a woman. His wife, who had a wicked sense of humor had died of a brain aneurysm last year. Earl missed her terribly. He removed his hat revealing his bald head and followed her into the kitchen.
Stella took a cup from the cupboard, placing it on the table and gestured toward the pot of coffee. “There’s sugar and cream if you like.”
Earl poured himself a cup and added six sugars. “I have a bit of a sweet tooth. I didn’t catch your name?”
She smiled. “I didn’t throw it. My name is Stella, I’m a medium. I talk to the dead.”
His eyebrows tightened. “Well, I talk to the dead myself. My dead wife Maggie that is, but she doesn't talk back. I’d say that’s a good thing. I guess I’m a medium as well though if I keep eating so much sugar, I’ll end up a large.”
After finishing several bites, she nodded. “I take it you’ve never seen a ghost?”
Earl stirred his coffee and appreciated the sweetness of it. “I have not, but come to think of it I actually might have. Several years ago I thought that I saw my dead German Shepherd Tessy; I’m sure I imagined it.”
“Spirits tend to follow me around, most likely because I can see them.”
This woman is completely off her rocker, and yet somehow I like her. I guess that doesn’t show much judgment from my end. “I can imagine that they would like to be seen though I’m not saying that I believe in this stuff.”
Stella finished her tea and then smirked. “You think I’m batty don’t you?”
“No, not at all. I believe in aliens so why not ghosts?”
Stella raised her eyebrows. “Aliens? You mean little green men? And you can help yourself to another cup if you like.” Oh yeah, this guy is nuts.
Earl finished his coffee and went back for another and returned to the sugar as well. “With billions and billions of planets out there--there has to be intelligent life on some of them. Don’t you think?”
“Never thought much about it? Don’t think there’s much intelligent life here.” She wasn’t sure if she liked this fellow or not; he seemed to be a bit of a smart-aleck. Anyway, what did it matter to her?”
“Stella, why don’t you ask your ghost friends if there are aliens in heaven?”
Earl was beginning to annoy her. “Are you trying to be funny? Or are you forgetting that we are strangers?”
“A little of both I suppose. In any fashion, I should be going as I have boxes to unpack before the furniture arrives.”
Stella walked him to the door. If he were up to something now would be the time, but he left with a nod and a thank you. It was odd, but the place seemed a little lonelier now that he was gone.
chapter forty-four
LOCATED IN THE SHOPS AT COLUMBUS CIRCLE, Olivia was sitting at the round table with the yellow flowers staring out toward Central Park at Per Se, thinking about her orgasm, the first with Jack. Chef Thomas Keller was a personal friend, and the food was fabulous. The Detective had finished her SAUTÉED FILLET OF ATLANTIC HALIBUT with glazed English Peas, mushrooms, and "Blanquette de Poisson."
Jack had had the "OYSTERS AND PEARLS " Sabayon of Pearl Tapioca with Island Creek Oysters and the delicious Sterling White Sturgeon Caviar. He was like the cat that had caught the elusive grasshopper. “You’re less than a month so really how can you know it’s a girl? You didn’t even go to the doctor yet. I bet it’s a boy, and if it is I get to name him Jack Junior.”
“Jack, if it’s a boy you can name him toilet paper for all I care. I know it’s a girl. I’ve been told.”
He looked pensive. “Told by who? Toilet paper has a nice ring to it. How about we name him Bruce Lee? Of course, he’ll need to know how to fight. So it was good right? I’ve never heard you scream like that.”
“Aw, does Jack want a pat on the back? Should I get Chef Thomas to come out and make an announcement?”
He actually imagined it, the Chef announcing to everyone that he had brought Olivia to climax and receiving much applause. “Yes, please.”
Olivia was staring at a fellow at a nearby table, looked a lot like a young Charlton Heston. He waved at Olivia making her realize that it really was him and making Olivia shake her head. Ghosts! “How do you know I didn’t fake it?”
Jack looked utterly disappointed. “It wasn’t real? Why would you do that? You never faked it before.”
Olivia giggled. “I didn’t. I was just saying. And keep your voice down. Jack, did you take your new plane out yet?”
“Not yet, I have a friend checking it to make sure there’s nothing wrong, that it doesn’t fall out of the sky, although like I said it does have a parachute.”
“And what if your friend falls out of the sky?”
“I guess the parachute would have to fail, but that’s what he’s getting paid for. She’s a beauty just like you.”
The thought that she had a life in her was still a little strange, and although she had imagined it she never really thought she’d be a mother. “See that table right there? What if I told you that Charlton Heston’s ghost was sitting there?”
Jack gazed into her eyes. “What is it with you and ghosts? Are you having a mental breakdown?”
“Would I know if I were? I’m just teasing. So you’re gonna change diapers?”
“Millions of them.”
Olivia watched as the late actor got up and left, and she was curious about where he was going. Hopefully, he didn’t want her to follow him. “Jeeze, I hope she doesn’t poop that much. Do you want to help me pick out a stroller?”
“Sure, should be fun. Does Ferrari make a stroller?”
“God, I hope not.” Olivia thought it might not be easy bringing her up right with a father with more money than common sense.
“I’m gonna buy him a Ferrari when he’s 16. Might be electric by then.”
“You will do no such thing. Spoiling her will bring nothing but trouble.”
Jack nodded. “I suppose. Why are you always right? It’s very annoying?”
“Why are you always wrong it’s very annoying.”
Jack smiled. “You know, Olivia, I’m not a hundred percent convinced that there is a baby. I know you bought a crib but until I see that baby bump.”
“You caught me, Jack, it’s all a ruse. I’m gonna fill the apartment with baby things and then say I got ya! Oh, we’re gonna make great parents.” Olivia’s cell vibrated. “Yes? I’ll be right there. Duty calls.”
“You need to quit that job so you have more time to chase the baby around.”
chapter forty-five
A GIRL STOOD UP FROM BEHIND THE HEADSTONE, not more than sixteen she guessed. It startled her, but Valerie was happy to see that she didn’t have to shoot anyone as she almost pulled her weapon. What was she doing out here after midnight?
“Sorry I scared you,” said Daiyu. The Chinese girl had black hair and brown eyes, and even in the glow of the flashlight, she was as cute as a button.
Valerie thought the girl might be dangerous,
especially when she saw the dagger on her side. “What on Earth are you doing in the cemetery at this time of night.”
“I come here a lot. My parents are here.” It was a lie, but she was feeling her out.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Wait, you’re not Daiyu are you?”
Daiyu cocked her head slightly. “How the hell did you know that? Hold on, you’re a hunter too?”
Valerie had heard of Daiyu, a hunter that had killed two demons in the same week. “So what are you really doing here?”
“One of the dark ones was in here about an hour ago, but I lost her.”
“A female demon? I’ve never seen one.”
“Neither had I until tonight.” Daiyu was scanning the area but saw nothing. “Are you from New York?”
“I am,” said Valerie. “And you?”
Daiyu thought that it was nice to meet someone on the same side for a change. “San Gabriel Valley, California. I was called out here by dreams that wouldn’t leave me alone, and they made it clear they wouldn’t let me be until I came. Couldn’t sleep for a whole damn week. Something weird is going on here.”
“My name is Valerie. Where are you staying?”
“I was going to find someplace in here and just lay down for the night.”
Valerie’s eyebrows tightened. “Are your parents really in here?”
“No, that was a lie.”
“Why don’t you spend the night at my place and we can talk. I’m divorced, so I have the place to myself.” Valerie thought it would be nice to exchange stories.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Daiya didn’t like the idea of meeting a stranger and going off with her. What if she was only pretending to be a hunter?
How can I get this girl to talk to me? Wait, I know. “I’ll call for pizza.”
Pizza was the magic word. “Okay, I can definitely eat some pizza.”