Five Minutes After Midnight Read online

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  chapter thirty-three

  AFTER PEEKING THROUGH THE PEEPHOLE, Aunt Stella let Olivia into the apartment. Stella had been getting ready to watch the 1934 movie It Happened One Night starring Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, about a brattish heiress fleeing her family who’s helped by a reporter in search of a story. The smell of fresh popcorn was heavy in the air.

  “I need the dagger,” said Olivia.

  “Not hello or how are you, just give me the dagger.” Stella laughed as she noticed that Olivia’s aura was even brighter than it had been the last time.

  Olivia let herself fall on the sofa. “Hello, and how are you?”

  Stella popped a single popcorn in her mouth, offered some to Olivia but she refused. “Well, since you ask my back is sore, and my left knee is aching. My sinuses are bothering me, and I have an earache and a pain in my left side. And I’m constipated.”

  “Aunt Stella, good Lord, you’re falling apart.”

  “I’m only kidding Olivia, I’m fine. I’ll get the blade.” She went into her bedroom and returned with the impressive knife. It appeared to be made entirely of silver, even the handle. “As far as I know it’s heaven sent; I shut a portal with it, and I’m told that it can destroy an evil spirit or demon.”

  “Anita told me that I should get it and carry it around.” Olivia saw the look on Stella’s face, she wanted to say something. “What?”

  It wasn’t an easy thing to say, but Stella was getting disturbing messages from the other side. “You might be in real danger, Olivia. Those evil bastards know that you are helping the good side and they don’t like it one bit. Strange days are coming and there are going to be some grave days, and you’re right in the middle of it. And your baby is going to be a white lighter.”

  Oh, for the good old days when she thought Aunt Stella was nuts. “What the hell does that mean?”

  Stella took a drink of her Pepsi and belched. “Excuse me. Your baby has been sent to even the playing field, a demon killer. Whether they have picked up on the baby yet, I have no idea. But they’re not going to want this baby to be born. Kill the mother kill the baby.”

  The Detective stared at Stella for what seemed like a long time. This was going too far with this otherworldly shit. “Are you fucking kidding me? Demons are gonna be after my baby? I’m just gonna get the hell out of New York and not look back.”

  Stella did feel for Olivia, but this was her new reality. “And you think spirits can’t follow you wherever you go? Best you get used to the idea that you are in it for the long haul.”

  Olivia rubbed her head as this was becoming all too much. “They’re gonna scare the hell out of the baby.”

  Aunt Stella took a handful of popcorn. “Not this baby. Are you wearing the prayer beads I gave you?”

  “I am.”

  “Good girl.”

  Olivia examined the dagger which had several small crosses on the quillon block with a slight glow to it, and that it might actually be from heaven was mind-boggling. The idea that it could destroy a demon was satisfying, and she supposed that it was time for the other side to step up. “I think I’ll get a sheath for it and wear it, best to have it close at all times.”

  Stella took another drink. “That is the way you need to think now. So what do you say of your crazy old Aunt Stella now?”

  Olivia shook her head slightly. “I think I should have been born into a different family. Are there others in the family like us.”

  “A great grandfather from what I hear.”

  Olivia had a blank stare as she thought about it, wondering what he had seen and experienced. Now she had the idea that she would look up her family tree sooner or later just to see if she could find anything supernatural in her distant background. If anyone had been marked as insane it would make her wonder.

  chapter thirty-four

  DAE-JUNG COULDN’T GET TOO CLOSE to Saint Andrews Roman Catholic Church at 20 Cardinal Hayes Place. The demon had followed 20-year-old Elizabeth Downing on her way to Sunday mass. Given enough time she was going to turn out to be a great crusader for the poor and change many lives, but not if he could help it. He would play his part in tipping the scale. The demon shivered in anticipation and also because the church gave him the creeps. It was an awful feeling being this close to so many blessed things and people.

  The entity that now occupied Dae-Jung hadn’t been to Earth for eons and was relishing his opportunity to accomplish some evil deeds for the cause. But this place was so different than it had been. In his time horses were the primary mode of transportation, not these steel boxes that were everywhere, and even though they couldn’t damage his soul, they frightened him a little nonetheless.

  He knew that sooner or later he would need to switch bodies as they would likely catch this one, but he liked this fellow, his level of criminality was quite something, and he was pliable. Although the dark soul was in control, the real Dae-Jung was still in there though frustrated and confused by what was occurring. Not having control over his body was troubling but for now, Dae-Jung continued to wonder if this wasn’t some sort of drug induced situation. It was like being trapped in a box with two small holes to peek out.

  A stout Korean on a Harley Davidson pulled up in front of the church having noticed Dae-Jung just standing there. Gyeong was not happy. “What the fuck are you doing here? Why did you just leave the coke and take off? Hey, are you wasted?”

  Dae-Jung cocked his head as he gazed at Gyeong; an evil smile spreading across his face. Disturbing even to the hardened criminal who had seen and accomplished much cruelty. Dae-Jung pulled his gun, emptied it in Gyeong and ran. He realized almost immediately that it had been an error in judgment, but this spirit liked killing too much. Killing tough guys was just too much fun. But now he would have to wait to kill Elizabeth.

  Olivia was at the crime scene an hour later, and this time there had been witnesses. The bad dude on the bike lay backward with his eyes still open, with the kickstand and the bike somehow keeping him from falling off. Although they didn’t yet have a name, she had no doubt that she would discover who the killer was soon enough. Spent cartridges peppered the ground.

  Anita popped in directly in front of the Detective scaring her, she now looked almost as concrete as any living person, though only visible to Olivia.

  “I wish you wouldn’t do that.”

  “Are you talking to me?” the crime scene photographer asked.

  Olivia sighed. “No, just talking to myself.”

  People had noticed that Olivia appeared to be distracted these days; she was different somehow though they couldn’t quite figure out how exactly. Obviously, something was going on with her. She seemed remote, distant even.

  Anita shook her head at yet another dead body. “This one was killed by a demon that came through the portal. He’s in a killer who's named Dae-Jung, and he’s Korean. We have souls trying to track the beast, but it isn’t easy. I see that you are wearing the dagger.”

  “Dae- Jung? Doesn’t ring a bell. I don’t know if the blade will do any good, but I’ll try anything at this point.” Olivia was now whispering but still getting looks by the NYPD officers that had responded to the shooting.

  Later that afternoon Olivia was able to confirm the shooter as he was also caught on camera, and a raid of his apartment revealed illegal weapons, a scale for weighing drugs and traces of cocaine but no sign of Dae-Jung. There was a photo on the wall that looked to be a young version of Dae-Jung in North Korea.

  chapter thirty-five

  DETECTIVE OLIVIA BROWN SHOVED HER GUN INTO HER HOLSTER and then hung her badge around her neck preparing to leave the apartment. Her thoughts went to Diallo and it was depressing, but at least his wife had found the money he had hidden. Olivia had dreamt about him last night, and he had said something like prepare yourself, Detective. If he was going to send her messages, he needed to be a lot less vague. If it was some kind of warning, it wasn’t much of one.

  Olivia had ordered an Angelina
convertible crib for the baby with a pearl finish, French Provincial styling, and was over a thousand dollars with the tax. She was considering moving to protect the baby but wasn’t sure what to do. Aunt Stella said it wouldn’t matter where she went. Olivia was going to hire a nanny, but where could she find one that would be able to keep her child safe? The little one would need to know certain things but not as a young child. The thought of her little one growing up in a world of ghosts and genuine boogeymen was not something she wanted, but starting to look like she wasn’t going to have a choice. It was turning out to be an abnormal life. A malicious world and getting meaner.

  The Detective wondered about all those maniacs in the middle east that were cutting people’s heads off and thought there was likely some influence from the dark side.

  Olivia was staring at her damaged rug when a knock on the door had her wondering if whoever was beyond it was dead or alive. She had many strange thoughts these days. A look through the peephole revealed that it was Jack. He hadn’t called to tell her that he was coming.

  Olivia opened the door, and Jack was standing there with a dozen red roses. “These are for you. May I come in?”

  She took the flowers and set them down on the coffee table. “You picked the wrong time because I’m going out.” But seeing the disappointment on his face, she agreed to let him in.

  “You’re off to work?”

  “Yes, and I have to go so make it quick.”

  Jack looked down at her stomach and then back into her eyes. “I’ve never known you to make up anything. So, you are really pregnant?”

  “I am, and yes it is yours. And it’s a girl.”

  He wondered how she could know that this early. Jack sat on the recliner and stared at her, watching as she gestured for him to hurry it up. “Then shouldn’t you be taking a leave of absence? Your job is a dangerous one. You might not be as well off as I am, but you don’t need the money.”

  “I’ll take that into consideration. Anything else because I have to go.”

  “Oh, I just bought a two-million-dollar jet, Cirrius Vision and it even comes with a parachute that will lower the plane should something happen. Why don’t you come with me to Florida and we can relax and just take it easy for a while?”

  “I’ll pass on that for now. Besides, how do I know if you’re a good pilot or not? Jack, do you believe in ghosts?”

  “What? Of course not.”

  Anita smiled. “And what do you think you’d do if you saw one?” If he keeps hanging around here pretty safe bet it’s gonna come to pass. Can he handle the life I’m living and the life this child is supposed to live?

  “Since they don’t exist it’s a stupid question and you know I’m a good pilot because I’m still alive.” Jack continued to glance at her stomach as if he was going to see something. “Let me stay here, just for the day, and I’ll make supper for you tonight. Just give me like an hour notice so I can get it ready.”

  Olivia liked the fact that he was at least making an effort, and he seemed different somehow though she wasn’t able to put her finger on it. Maybe he was going to propose. “Sure, I guess.”

  They kissed, and he stared at her butt as she left, and then did a little dance when she closed the door. “I’m gonna be a father! No matter what she says I bet it’s a boy.”

  A report had come in that Dae-Jung was seen near Central Park, and so she was going to make her way there and have a look around. Chasing a demon was frightening in many ways, and she had no idea of what Dae-Jung was capable of doing. She could kill the man but what would happen to the evil entity? Would it go inside of her? Or would her prayer beads and dagger protect her? The blade was supposed to dispatch the monster but would it actually work? Her life was on the line if it didn’t. She might have little time to react to it if it did depart the body. Olivia had lots of questions but not many answers. A manual explaining everything would be great.

  The Detective made her way around Central Park, which was two and a half miles long and a half a mile wide. Other officers were in the park, and Olivia hoped that no one had gotten killed by the thing. Why would someone on the run be walking around in public? But of course, the demon might not be a reasonable entity. Was it aware of the dagger? It would be to her advantage if it weren't.

  Olivia paused and stared, appreciating the entrance of the Conservatory Garden; it was called Vanderbilt’s Gate and had such beautiful wrought iron work. The gate was twenty feet tall and reminded her of a royal entrance.

  Twenty-year-old Elizabeth Downing walked past the Detective and through the gate; she was blond with lovely blue eyes. Olivia sensed something, an energy of sorts, and when she turned, she saw Dae-Jung just standing there about a dozen feet from her. And the smile on the Korean’s face, no way to describe it except pure evil.

  Olivia pulled her Glock and aimed it at his chest. “Don’t fucking move!”

  “Come now Detective, there’s no need for that. If you kill this body, I’ll just go into you.” But as Dae-Jung tried to take another step forward it was as if he was staring at the sun. “What the fuck are you?”

  Olivia didn’t know what he was talking about. She pulled the dagger, and he backed up several steps.

  “Where did you get that?”

  “Down on the ground, hands out to your side!”

  The demon didn’t want to risk destruction and so left the body; Dae-Jung collapsed dying instantly. A back butterfly emerged from his body and flew off; she was tempted to shoot at it but it was unlikely that she could hit it and it wasn’t long before it was nowhere to be seen. The damn thing had escaped and good luck tracking it down.

  Olivia thought that she should have risked throwing the dagger at it. She checked Dae-Jung for a pulse, but his heart had stopped. He was dead, and that black soul was likely off to infiltrate someone else. This was a head shaker. “Tell that to a shrink and see what happens.”

  Several hours later Olivia went back to her apartment to discover the meal that was waiting. He had obviously ordered out when she told him she was on the way back, but she supposed it was the idea that counted. There was grilled lobster with sweet corn and chipotle-lemon butter. And a bottle of Domaine Ramonet Montrachet Grand Cru.

  Olivia nodded appreciatively. “Oh, I love lobster, but I can only have a small glass of wine because of the baby. And corn! Actually, maybe I can just taste the wine.”

  Jack held the chair for her to be seated and watched as she began to eat the lobster. She had a big appetite for a woman. He thought it wasn’t the size of a woman in a fight, but the size of the fight in a woman, and she had plenty of it. She had punched him once, at his insistence, and she had almost killed him, at least that’s what it had felt like, right in the solar plexus, taking his wind from him. Jack didn’t think it should be possible for a woman to punch that hard.

  “I have to say Jack that this is delicious. Thank you so much.” The Detective was good at reading faces, and as soon as she looked at him, she knew that he was hiding something. He appeared like the cat that had just eaten the mouse. “Jack, what are you up to? You better not pull out an engagement ring or I’ll make you eat it.”

  He smiled. “What the hell are you?”

  The Detective tasted the wine and thought it was pretty good, but she wasn’t a wine connoisseur. “Well, what is it?”

  Jack showed her his biggest smile. “Oh, ah, the crib you ordered was delivered, and I put it together.”

  She went into her bedroom, and there it was, as beautiful as the photo on the website. “I love it! I can just see her in there now.” I imagine Aunt Stella will want to have it blessed.

  Jack nodded. The idea of being a father had been running through his head for a while, but now it was sinking in, and already thinking about changing his will. “Olivia, anything you want you got it. If you need me to babysit, I’ll babysit.”

  “You can’t babysit your own child doofus. You’ll need to change diapers.”

  He nodded. “I’ll,
ah, change diapers. I won’t like it and I may or may not vomit, but I’ll do it.”

  Olivia grabbed him and turned him around to face her, and he instantly knew that look. She kissed him and slid her hand to his crotch.

  Jack slid his hand around to her butt. “I have a headache,” he joked.

  “I’ll give you a headache with the butt of my gun.”

  “You want me don’t you?”

  Olivia rolled her eyes. “Don’t talk.”

  chapter thirty-six

  AUNT STELLA WOKE AT FIVE MINUTES AFTER MIDNIGHT, and she immediately felt that something was not quite right. She sat up in her Spiderman pajamas and wondered what was going on. It definitely didn’t feel like a white lighter, but with her line of protection how could something bad have gotten past it? Must be a high-level soul, but then again perhaps it was just a dream.

  Or was there another intruder?

  Stella rubbed her face and took the sleep out of her eyes, grabbing her gun off the corner table she cocked it as the time changed to six minutes after twelve; she waited and listened, but only heard the sound of the clock on the wall ticking. Stella hated firing a gun inside because it was so terribly loud. Still, she had no qualms about blowing someone’s head off if necessary. The place was eerily quiet except for the clock, and she had come to the conclusion that it probably wasn’t an intruder, at least not the regular variety.

  Might the dark side have sent someone to keep her from helping Olivia? They would not be happy with Olivia’s baby of that she was sure. Stella slowly took her prayer beads off the bureau and commenced to say the rosary, it was not lost on her that she had her beads in one hand and the gun in the other. Heaven helps those who help themselves.

  Stella went through the apartment turning all the lights on, looking for signs of movement. If all her blessed crosses didn’t stop it from entering her apartment, then it was not something to be trifled with. And again the medium stopped to listen.